Collins standout defensive lineman, Jeremiah Rhodes, has officially signed with the West Virginia State University football program. With dreams of playing the sport he loves at a higher level, Rhodes reflects on his journey with gratitude, attributing his success to hard work and faith.

“It feels great to have the opportunity to play the sport I love at a higher level,” Rhodes said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “All glory to God for guiding me through the countless challenges and setbacks I faced along the way.”

Rhodes’ decision to choose WVS was deeply influenced by his upbringing and sense of identity. “I was raised around strong Black individuals, so I’ve always gravitated towards my people,” he said. “When I found out I had the chance to play for an HBCU like WVSU, I knew it was the right fit for me. I feel truly blessed.”

Looking ahead to his college football career, Rhodes approaches his goals with a blend of optimism and realism. “Honestly, I just want to have fun,” he admits. “Of course, I’ve dreamed of going to the league, but I’m also a realist. Whatever God has in store for me, I’ll be grateful. One thing’s for certain—I’m going to get an education and set myself up for a career.”

Balancing academics and athletics at the college level is a challenge Rhodes is ready to tackle head-on. “Discipline is key,” he said. “I’ve learned from watching my mom balance her work and personal life for years. I’ll take it one step at a time.”

What Rhodes looks forward to most about playing college football is the camaraderie and brotherhood that comes with the sport. “Football is about more than just winning games,” he said. “It’s about the bonds you form with your teammates. I’m excited to contribute to a championship and embrace the brotherhood at WVSU.”

Rhodes credits high school football for preparing him for the next level of competition. “I’ve faced failure time and time again,” he said. “But as they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I’m still standing, and I’m ready to conquer whatever challenges come my way.”

For aspiring high school athletes, Rhodes offers words of wisdom. “Embrace the heartbreaks and learn from your mistakes. You can be the best on your high school team, but it doesn’t guarantee success in college.”

Throughout his football career, Rhodes’s biggest supporters have been his mother and sisters. “We’ve always had each other’s backs,” he said with a smile. “Their love and support have carried me through the toughest times.”

As he looks ahead to his college football journey, Rhodes’ personal goals are clear: “I want to perfect my craft and be the best teammate I can be. If my teammates remember me as a good teammate and smooth on the field, I’ll consider it a success.”

To continue improving and growing as a football player in college, Rhodes emphasizes the importance of repetition and humility. “I’ll keep practicing until I physically can’t anymore,” he said. “Perfection may be unattainable, but if I keep chasing after it, I’ll see positive changes along the way.”

As Jeremiah Rhodes embarks on this new chapter of his football career, Collins High School stands proud, knowing they’ve played a part in shaping a remarkable athlete and individual.